Le site de la recherche sur les psychothérapies psychodynamiques

Nom de la base de données: Psychotherapies2

KRAMPEN G.Long-term evaluation of the effectiveness of additional autogenic training in the psychotherapy of depressive disorders. Eur. Psychologist.1999 ; 4(1) : 11-18
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resumé fr:  
resumeang: This paper presents the results of a 3-year follow-up study on the effectiveness of additional autogenic training (AT; a psychophysiological self-control method using self-inductions of physical and mental relaxation) in the psychotherapy of outpatients with depressive disorders. Subjects were 55 patients (aged 22-69 years) with depressive disorders diagnosed according to ICD-10. Subjects were randomized to one of three groups: Group A participated in 40 single psychotherapy sessions over a period of 20 weeks; Group B learned AT in the first 10 weeks and had 20 single psychotherapy sessions as well as AT practice in the second 10 weeks; Group C was the waiting-list control group in the first 10 weeks and had 20 single psychotherapy sessions as well as AT learning in the second 10 weeks. Tests for depressive symptoms (BDI) and psychosomatic complaints (ATSYM) were given before the start of treatment, after 10 weeks, after 20 weeks, as well as 8 months and 3 years after the end of treatment. In addition, at both follow-ups information were gathered on disease course, relapses, psychotherapy and medical treatments, as well as AT practice. Long-term follow-up shows that controlled and supervised use of AT before or in combination with psychotherapy has more positive effects than psychotherapy alone. Compared to psychotherapy without AT (Group A), combined psychotherapy and AT (Groups B and C) resulted in significantly lower rates of relapse and treatment reentry as well as in significantly more stable positive treatment effects in the reduction of depression and psychosomatic symptoms at the second follow-up.
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