Le site de la recherche sur les psychothérapies psychodynamiques

Nom de la base de données: Psychotherapies2

ANDREWS G. HARVEY R.Does psychotherapy benefit neurotic patients ?. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry.1981 ; 38(11) : 1203-1208
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resumé fr:  
resumeang: Smith, Glass, and Miller examined the benefits of psychotherapy in 475 controlled studies. Their data were reexamined, and only studies of patients coded as having neuroses, true phobias, and emotional-somatic complaints and who had sought treatment were included in the present analysis. The results of 81 controlled trials were integrated statistically using the metaanalytic technique. The findings provide further evidence on the efficacy of psychotherapy. The condition of the typical patient after treatment was better than that of 77% of untreated controls measured at the same time. The rate of relapse in the first two years was small. The behavior and psychodynamic verbal therapies appeared to be superior to other therapies. The relation between severity of illness and choice of therapy is unknown. This factor could account for some of the differential effects but does not vitiate the main finding.
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Conclusion analyse: - absence de données sur sévérité du diagnostic qui conditionne en fait le choix de la thérapie et la durée du traitement
- amélioration stable dans le temps, puis lent déclin des effets
- forte tendance thérapies plus longues associées à plus grande amélioration
- peu de recherche sur les thérapies plus longues. Il est naïf de penser que les psychothérapies brèves puissent répondre au traitement des troubles de la personnalité et des névroses chroniques. Certains de ces états requièrent un traitement prolongé et intensif. Il est essentiel que de tels traitements puissent être un axe central de la recherche évaluative

NumEtude: XI.79