Le site de la recherche sur les psychothérapies psychodynamiques

Nom de la base de données: Psychotherapies2

BORKOVEC T.D. RUSCIO A.M.Psychotherapy for generalized anxiety disorder. J. Clin. Psychiatry.2001 ; 62 Suppl 11( ) : 37-42
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resumeang: The present article describes the basic therapeutic techniques used in the cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) of generalized anxiety disorders and reviews the methodological characteristics and outcomes of 13 controlled clinical trials. The studies in general display rigorous methodology, and their outcomes are quite consistent. CBT has been shown to yield clinical improvements in both anxiety and depression that are superior to no treatment and nonspecific control conditions (and at times to either cognitive therapy alone or behavioral therapy alone) at both posttherapy and follow-up. CBT is also associated with low dropout rates, maintained long-term improvements, and the largest within-group and between-group effect sizes relative to all other comparison conditions.
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