Le site de la recherche sur les psychothérapies psychodynamiques

Nom de la base de données: Psychotherapies2

BEUTLER L E. Empirically Based Decision Making In Clinical Practice. Prevention & Treatment2000 ; 3(27) :  - 
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resumé fr:  
resumeang: Evidence suggests that while clinical practitioners generally value scientific validity, most clinical practices are not strongly supported by empirical evidence. They are supported by personal experience and strong belief (or faith). Practices that are based on belief and personal experience, while advantageous from several perspectives, are highly prone to error and misuse. The currently available empirical standards are highly disputed and are difficult for practitioners to implement. A standard by which clinicians can select and use scientifically tested treatments is needed to bring credibility to the practice of psychotherapy. This article presents an example of an alternative standard that offers the hope of using clinician experience in ways that enhance the application of scientific principles and that advance the generalization of research to clinical practice. The example offered develops cross-cutting principles that can be applied to patients with depression, drawing from both extant literature and new, cross-validation research.
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