Le site des recherches fondées sur les pratiques psychothérapiques

Nom de la base de données: Psychotherapies2 Premier | Préc. | Enregistrements 1 - 9 sur 9 | Suiv. | Dernier

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2AVIRAM RB, HELLERSTEIN DJ, GERSON J, STANLEY B.Adapting supportive psychotherapy for individuals with Borderline personality disorder who self-injure or attempt suicide.J Psychiatr Pract.2004 May10145155 Web
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7DE JONGHE F., RIJNIERSE P., JANSSEN R. Psychoanalytic supportive psychotherapy.J Am Psychoanal Assoc.1994 Fall4242146 Web
8BARBER J.P, STRATT R, HALPERIN G, CONNOLLY MB. Supportive techniques: are they found in different therapies?J Psychother Pract Res.2001 Summer1016572 Web
9BERLINCIONI V, BARBIERI S. Support and psychotherapyAm J Psychother.2004 May58321334 Web