Le site des recherches fondées sur les pratiques psychothérapiques

Nom de la base de données: Psychotherapies2 Premier | Préc. | Enregistrements 26 - 50 sur 1213 | Suiv. | Dernier

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26 New York Psychoanalytic Institute Studies      Web
27LEUZINGER-BOHLEBER et coll. 2002       Web
28EDELSON MIs testing psychoanalytic hypotheses in the psychoanalytic situation really impossible ?      Web
29SANDERSON       Web
30PERRON       Web
31        Web
32maruani thurin       Web
33ThurinEsquisse      Web
34gomez la croix       Web
35STANLEY M ATreatment of generalized Anxiety in older adults : a preliminary comparison of cognitive-behavioral and supportive approaches      Web
36TANG TZ, LUBORSKY L, ANDRUSYNA TSudden gains in recovering from depression : are they also forund in psychotherapies other than cognitive-behavioral therapy ?      Web
37WAMPOLD B E, MINAMI T, BASKIN T W, TIERNEY S CA meta-(re)analysis of the effects of cognitive therapy versus “other” therapies for depression      Web
38WILFLEY D E, WELCH S.L., …A randomized comparison of group cognitive-behavioral therapy and group interpersonal psychotherapy for the treatment of overweight individuals with binge-eating disorder      Web
39BARKHAM M., REES A, SHAPIRO, STILES, AGNEW, HAKLSTEADOutcomes of time-limited psychotherapy in applied settings : replicating the second sheffield psychotherapy project      Web
40BECK A.T, SOKOL L, CLARK D A, BERCHICK R, WRIGHT FA crissover study of focused cognitive therapy for panic disorder      Web
41BORKOVEC T.D. , COSTELLO EEfficacy of applied relaxation and cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder      Web
42DURY V, BIRCHWOOD M, COCHRANE R, MACMILLAN FCognitive therapy and recovery form acute psychosis : a controlled trial. II. Impact on psychotic symptoms      Web
43DURY V, BIRCHWOOD M, COCHRANE R, MACMILLAN FCognitive therapy and recovery form acute psychosis : a controlled trial. II. Impact of recovery time      Web
44DEBLINGER E, STAUFFER L B, STEER R AComparative efficacies of supportive and cognitive behavioral group therapies for young children who have been sexually abused and their nonoffending mothers      Web
45CRASKE M G, MAIDENBERG E, BYSTRITSKYBrief cognitive-behavioral versus nondirective therapy for panic disorder      Web
46bruch m a, heimberg r g, hope d aStates of mind model and cognitive change in treated social phobics      Web
47BORKOVEC T D, MATHEWS A M, CHAMBERS A, EBRAHIMI S, LYTLE R, NELSON RThe effects of relaxation training with cognitive or nondirective therapy and the role of relaxation-induced anxiety in the treatment of generalized anxiety      Web
48BLOWERS C, COBB J, MATHEWS AGeneralised anxiety : a controlled treatment study      Web
49BLANCHARD E B, HICKLING E J, DEVINEMI T, VEAZEY C H, GALOVSKI T E, MUNDY E, MALTA L S, BUCKLEY T CA controlled evaluation of cognitive behavioral thrapy for posttraumatic stress in motor vehicle accident survivors      Web
50FOA E B, ROTHBAUM B O, RIGGS D S, MURDOCK T BTreatment of psottraumatic stress disorder in rape victims : a comparison between cognitive-behavioral procedures and counseling      Web